How to improve object detector?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello guys, I trained my yolov4 detector using 350 images and 50 epochs… but average precision for each object was not as good as I want… what can I do to increase the average precision?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 7 Mag 2023
Train with more images and train for longer.
  4 Commenti
Adrian Kleffler
Adrian Kleffler il 8 Mag 2023
i have code like this to remove rows...
% Nahratie tabulky LabelData
% Zadanie ciest k obrazkom, ktoré chceš vymazať
pathsToDelete = {'E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko2\panasonic_fullhd_01-090-045-202111091200.jpg', 'E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko3\fullhd-090-000-201901101000-01.png','E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko2\panasonic_fullhd_01-090-000-202109091400.jpg','E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko2\panasonic_fullhd_01-090-000-202110090800.jpg','E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko2\panasonic_fullhd_01-090-000-202103091300.jpg','E:\ADRIAN\BAKALARKA\DATASET\vsetko3\fullhd-090-000-201901102200-01.png'};
% Vymazanie riadkov s danými cestami
for i = length(pathsToDelete):-1:1
idx = strcmp(LabelData.imageFilename, pathsToDelete{i});
LabelData(idx, :) = [];
% Uloženie upravenej tabuľky
save('LabelData.mat', 'LabelData');
but i have 888 images and this code removes 777 images instead of only 5 images which i want to remove
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 8 Mag 2023
You keep forgetting to attach your .mat file. I can't try anything until you do. I'll check back later for it.

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