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Hacer una regresion lineal multiple

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
IGNACIO il 14 Mag 2023
Risposto: Arka il 18 Ago 2023
Quiero hacer una regresion lineal multiple en la que la variable dependiente sea la puntuacion del informe PISA, la varibale independiente el MODELO de gasto educativo y las variables de control sean Secundaria, Primaria, GINI y GDP per capita

Risposte (1)

Arka il 18 Ago 2023
Hi Ignacio,
MATLAB allows you to perform multiple linear regression using the "regress" function.
You can load your dataset into MATLAB using the "load" function, extract the variables from the dataset, and then perform the regression on the same variables.
You can learn more about "regress" and "load" using the MathWorks documentation links below:
Hope this helps.

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