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Related to QPSK signal in MATLAB

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
How to produce QPSK signal s(n) such that n = 1,2,...,256 in MATLAB with an average transmit power P = 1.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

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Nikhil Baishkiyar
Nikhil Baishkiyar il 23 Giu 2023
As can be observed from the various sample graphs in pskmod documentation, the generated symbols have a magnitude of 1. So unless you are using a different basis function than the typical sine/cosine, it should already be providing you with a signal with an average transmit power of 1.
To get a signal of length 256, you can code it like this:
Mod = 4;
N = 256;
x_n = randi([0 Mod-1],N,1);
s_n = pskmod(x_n,Mod,pi/Mod);

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