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Accessing huge matrix of symfun?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Ali Almakhmari
Ali Almakhmari il 27 Lug 2023
Chiuso: Ali Almakhmari il 18 Ago 2023
I have this H.mat file with an H variable that is of type symfun. Its supposed to be a matrix with symbolic variables:
syms s
H(s) = C/(s*eye(size(A))-A)
and matrices C and A also contian multiple and many other symbolic variables. But when I got H (which I attached in the .mat file here), I cannot see its contents from the workspace (I believe its because its too big and complicated). So how can I index/call or get access in any other way to whats inside H?
Note: A is 12 by 12 and C is 6 by 12.
  5 Commenti
Ali Almakhmari
Ali Almakhmari il 17 Ago 2023
Modificato: Ali Almakhmari il 17 Ago 2023
Its a 1 by 1 symFcn but when you open it you will get a matrix with multiple symFcn equations. The issue is that I cannot index that H to extract a specific symFcn equation in the matrix. For example, having H, how can I extract the symFcn in the 1st row, 2nd column?
Mann Baidi
Mann Baidi il 18 Ago 2023
You will not be able to extract it untill the matrix is mxn matrix and not 1x1 matrix.

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