sign in option in matlab does not work, i can not install adds on
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I install matlab in fedora using student lisence from uni, but the sign in bar in the left side still no showing my ID. Also i can not install any adds on in my matlab. It's show error mesage like
Error using matlab.internal.cef.webwindow
MATLABWindow application failed to launch. Unable to launch the MATLABWindow
application. The exit code was: 127
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow/createImplementation (line 319)
implObj = matlab.internal.cef.webwindow(varargin{:});
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow (line 163)
obj.impl = obj.createImplementation(varargin{:});
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow (line 41)
obj.webwindow = matlab.internal.webwindow('about:blank', obj.debugPort);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/createNewWindow (line 111)
obj.addOnsWindowInstance = matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow(obj.WINDOW_TITLE, clientType, obj.windowStateUtil.getPositionForExplorer);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/show (line 61)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showExplorer (line 140);
Does anyone know what the problem and how to solve it? Does anything wrong with my instalation?
PS : I do updating current lisence and it seems has no problem with it
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Risposte (1)
il 12 Set 2023
Hey Nirwana,
I understand that the sign-in option in MATLAB is not working, and you cannot install add-ons.
Please try the following workaround to resolve this issue-
A good troubleshooting step for unable to launch CEF window is to run the following commands in MATLAB:
>> cd(matlabroot)
>> cd bin\win64
>> !.\MATLABWindow.exe
If it results in the behavior of having a blank window appear and then disappear without receiving error messages, it is likely that there is a firewall or antivirus software blocking MATLAB.
If there was a crash or other issues internal to MATLAB, there would be error messages in the logging output. Please provide those error messages in order to assist you better.
I hope this helps!
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