Randomly generated cubes in cylindrical volumes in MATLAB
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I want to generate n cubes of a given side length at any position within a given cylinder volume. Following the condition of not intersecting each other.
Can someone help me with this.
5 Commenti
Risposta accettata
il 26 Set 2023
% Draw cyliner
Radius = 1. ; % Radius of the cylindrical shell
Height = 2. ; % Height of the Cylinder
NH = 7 ; % Number of Elements on the Height
NT = 10 ; % Number of Angular Dicretisation
% Discretizing the Height and Angle of the cylinder
nH = linspace(0,Height,10) ;
nT = linspace(0,2*pi,100) ;
[H, T] = meshgrid(nH,nT) ;
% Convert grid to cylindrical coordintes
X = Radius*cos(T);
Y = Radius*sin(T);
Z = H ;
% DRaw randoom cubes
% First make random points so that cubes donot intersect
L = 0.2 ; % L, B, H of cube
dL = L+0.1 ;
x = -(Radius-L):dL:(Radius-L) ;
y = x ;
z = L:dL:Height-L ;
[xx,yy,zz] = meshgrid(x,y,z) ;
xx = xx(:) ; yy = yy(:) ; zz = zz(:) ;
% Remove points lying outside the cylinder
idx = inpolygon(xx,yy,(Radius-L)*cos(nT),(Radius-L)*sin(nT)) ;
xx = xx(idx) ; yy = yy(idx) ; zz = zz(idx) ;
% randomly select few points
N = 100 ;
idx = randsample(1:length(xx),N) ;
xc = xx(idx) ; yc = yy(idx) ; zc = zz(idx) ;
hold on
axis equal
for i = 1:N
plotcube([L L L],[xc(i) yc(i) zc(i)]);
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