Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How do I select a file to open from folder rather than typing in the csv file name into the code?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello, I have the following code where I put in the filename of interest to plot the data into the code. It would much things much quicker and easier if, when I run the code, it opens a folder selection window and then I can select the file or files of interest. How do I open a folder and select a file or files for my plots? Thanks so much!
%Insert csv file name of interest
Pswpdata = readtable('csv_file.csv');
%Compute the max values by the groups of Frequency Variable
T1 = groupsummary(Pswpdata, 'Frequency', 'max');
%Find the indices of the variables to be added
names = Pswpdata.Properties.VariableNames;
str = {'Gain','PAE','PLRF_dBm'};
%Adding 1 to the indices as the output by groupsummary() has an extra
%column for groupcounts
idx = find(ismember(names, str)) + 1;
%Plot the corresponding values
hold on
grid on
legend('Location', 'Best')
title('GT,PAE & Pout (dB)')

Risposta accettata

Les Beckham
Les Beckham il 31 Ott 2023
Modificato: Les Beckham il 31 Ott 2023
Check the documentation on uigetfile which will return the filename and, if you use the two output version, the path to the file selected by the user from a file browser type dialog. For example:
[fn, fpath] = uigetfile;
Pswpdata = readtable(fullfile(fpath, fn));
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