Print a table image in png to pdf A4 portrait but the table is to small and I want to zoom and reduce the margins
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I have generated a table using uitable and saved as png. Now I am trying to open the png and save as pdf A4 portrait. It works but the picture is too small and I want to zoom/reduce margins, see figures attached.
I have already the following code. Coud you please provide some guidance to with this please? Thanks in advance
% List of files in output
filesPNG = dir(fullfile("Best_Estimate/Report_Plots_BE/", '*.png'));
% Loop through each png file
for i = 1:numel(filesPNG);
% Get the current file name
pngFileName = fullfile(directory, filesPNG(i).name);
% Create a PDF file name based on the PNG file name
[~, baseName, ~] = fileparts(filesPNG(i).name);
pdfFileName = fullfile(outputDir, [baseName, '.pdf']);
% Open a new figure
figure('Visible', 'off');
% Read the PNG image
img = imread(pngFileName);
% Display the image in the figure
% Set figure size to A4 dimensions (approximately)
fig.Position = [100, 100, 595, 842];
% Set figure to vertical orientation
fig.PaperOrientation = 'portrait';
% Set paper size to A4
fig.PaperSize = [595, 842];
% Set figure units to points
fig.PaperUnits = 'points';
% Set figure margins to zero
fig.PaperPositionMode = 'auto';
% Set additional margin at the bottom
fig.PaperPosition = [0, 0, 595, 842];
% Print the figure to a PDF file
print(pdfFileName, '-dpdf', '-r300');
fprintf('Converted: %s\n', pdfFileName);
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Risposte (1)
il 11 Gen 2024
Hi Paulino,
I have gone through the code you provided and I understand that you are trying to convert an image into a pdf file with the image being zoomed in the final pdf. So here is the sample code, you can refer it and modify it according to your use-case:
filesPNG = "myfig.png";
pngFileName = "myfig.png";
pdfFileName = "mypdf.pdf"
figure('Visible', 'off');
img = imread(pngFileName);
% imresize is used to zoom the image.
zoomed_image = imresize(img, 1.5);
fig.Position = [100, 100, 595, 842];
fig.PaperOrientation = 'portrait';
fig.PaperSize = [595, 842];
fig.PaperUnits = 'points';
fig.PaperPositionMode = 'auto';
fig.PaperPosition = [0, 0, 595, 842];
print(pdfFileName, '-dpdf', '-r300');
Please refer the following documentation for further details about 'imresize()' function:
Hope it helps!
2 Commenti
il 12 Gen 2024
Modificato: Divyanshu
il 12 Gen 2024
Hi Paulino,
It is possible that above code may not give desired results for figures or images containing 'uitable'.
Please refer the following code snippet which convert a figure with 'uitable' into a pdf file:
h = figure('Name','Numbers','Visible','off');
u = uitable(h,'Data',[2,4,6,8;2,4,6,8;1,3,5,7;2,4,6,8;2,4,6,8]);
% Below code is a workaround to remove extra spaces from the figure and
% make the size of figure equal to uitable.
table_extent = get(u,'Extent');
set(u,'Position',[1 1 table_extent(3) table_extent(4)])
figure_size = get(h,'outerposition');
desired_fig_size = [figure_size(1) figure_size(2) table_extent(3)+15 table_extent(4)+65];
set(h,'outerposition', desired_fig_size);
pos = get(h,'Position');
set(h,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
fig1 = openfig("NewFig.fig");
Above code is a sample code with dummy data, you can modify the data of uitable and other sections of code according to the use-case.
Hope it helps!
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