I want to open "openExamp​le('simsca​peelectric​al/Brushle​ssDCMotorE​xample')" example in MATLAB 2022b

60 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to open "openExample('simscapeelectrical/BrushlessDCMotorExample')" example in MATLAB 2022b. But when i enter this in command window i get followling error. I want the code that can open this example in 2022b. I have the same issue for another example and someone send the old code/script that works in 2022b so i hope have also. please send me anyone if possible. Or email me this example by oepning in in 2023b at umarfarooq1060@gmail.com

Risposte (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre il 16 Gen 2024
The openExample syntax wasn't introduced for this example until R2023a. See this answer: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2068171-matlab-example-file-in-previous-version?s_tid=srchtitle
In R2022b, you would run the following command in the Command Window to open the example.
You can find this in the R2022b version of the doc:


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