Why fitlm function is giving wierd results?
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il 13 Apr 2024
Commentato: Manikanta Aditya
il 14 Apr 2024
I am using following code
[coeff, score, ~, ~, explained] = pca(X);
X_pca = score(:, 1:10);
% Split data
cv = cvpartition(size(X_pca, 1), 'HoldOut', 0.2);
idxTrain = training(cv);
idxTest = test(cv);
X_train = X_pca(idxTrain, :);
X_test = X_pca(idxTest, :);
Y_train = Y(idxTrain);
Y_test = Y(idxTest);
reg = fitlm(X_train, Y_train);
However, the rusults fitlm are coming wierd. Please suggest me how to get correct results.
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Manikanta Aditya
il 13 Apr 2024
Hope you are doing great!
The error message you’re seeing is because the predict function is expecting an input with the same number of columns as the original data used to train the model. In your case, the model was trained with scoreTrain which has more than 3 columns, but you’re trying to predict with scoreTest which only has 3 columns (the principal components).
The issue arises from this line of code:
scoreTest = (X_test - mu)*coeff(:,1:idx)
Here, you’re reducing the dimensionality of your test set to 3 principal components, but your model was trained on the full set of principal components in scoreTrain.
To fix this, you should also limit the number of principal components in scoreTrain to 3. Here’s how you can do it:
scoreTrain = scoreTrain(:,1:idx);
reg = fitlm(scoreTrain, Y_train,'y ~ x1*x2*x3-x1:x2:x3');
Now, scoreTrain and scoreTest have the same number of columns, and you should be able to use the predict function without errors. Remember, the dimensions of the input for training and prediction must always match.
I hope this helps, let me know.
4 Commenti
Image Analyst
il 13 Apr 2024
Because you're deleting your posts, you will probably have difficulty finding people to want to help you anymore.
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