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Azzera filtri

Conversion to double from sym is not possible

29 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Tyler il 14 Nov 2011
Risposto: Shahid Iqbal il 30 Giu 2019
syms n;
t = (-300:1:300);
D_n = ((sin((pi*n)/2))./(pi*n));
y = (D_n).*exp((-j)*n*t*(pi/100));
x = symsum(y,n,-10,-1) + symsum(y,n,1,10);
I would like to plot t vs. x, however I get the error 'Conversion to double from sym is not possible'.
  1 Commento
Christopher Creutzig
Christopher Creutzig il 17 Nov 2011
Works fine for me. Are you using exactly the commands listed above? Which MATLAB version are you using? What does symvar(x) tell you?

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Risposte (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 14 Nov 2011
Your x is a formula in terms of n, a variable you do not define a value for at any point.
Your t value has nothing to do with n.
You cannot plot a symbolic expression against an unrelated variable.
Perhaps what you want is
plot(t, double(subs(x,n,t)))

Shahid Iqbal
Shahid Iqbal il 30 Giu 2019
syms n;
t = (-300:1:300);
D_n = ((sin((pi*n)/2))./(pi*n));
y = (D_n).*exp((-1i)*n*t*(pi/100));
x = symsum(y,n,-10,-1) + symsum(y,n,1,10);
work properly just replace -j with -1i , use updated version of MATLAB.

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