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How should I set the value of u_tau?

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
鑫彤 纪
鑫彤 纪 il 8 Giu 2024
Commentato: 鑫彤 纪 il 18 Giu 2024
Hello everyone, I would like to use pdepe for solving a SIR partial differential equations in one dimension with time lag, so it looks good. But there has been a problem setting the value of u_tau, resulting in a very different result than expected. I don't know what's wrong with the code.Here is the part of the code involved:
function u_tau = interpolate_history(history, x, t, tau)
% Interpolating function to get the state at time t - tau
t_target = t - tau;
if t_target < history.t(1)
% u_tau = squeeze(history.u(1, :, :)); % Out of history range, use first value
u_tau = 0;
% u_tau = interp1(history.t, squeeze(history.u(:, :, :)), t_target, 'linear', 'extrap');
u_tau = 0;
function u0 = SIRInitialConditions3(x)
S0 = 1.25;
I0 = 0.85;
R0 = 0.74;
u0 = [S0; I0; R0];
% This is the part of the main function that deals with u_tau
function [c,f,s] = SIRPDE3(x, t, u, DuDx)
global history;
S = u(1);
I = u(2);
R = u(3);
u_tau = interpolate_history(history, x, t, tau);
S_pre = u_tau(1);
% This is the part of the main function that deals with u_tau
function run()
xspan = linspace(0, 10, 100);
tspan = [0, 10, 50];
% Initialising the history
history = initialize_history(xspan, tspan, @SIRInitialConditions3);
sol = pdepe(0, @SIRPDE3, @SIRInitialConditions3, @SIRBoundaryConditions3, xspan, tspan);
I originally ran the simulation with the two equations commented above neither of which resulted in a trend over time, so I set all u_tau to 0. The trend over time then turned out to be correct, but the initial values of I and R were still 0, which was not the expected result. I think there might be something wrong with the part function u_tau = interpolate_history(history, x, t, tau), how should I change it?
Thanks to the community. :)
  6 Commenti
Bill Greene
Bill Greene il 13 Giu 2024
Modificato: Bill Greene il 13 Giu 2024
Apparently you are still not understanding my questions. I will try one more time.
Your initialize_history function is setting history.u to an array of size number_of_times x number_of_x_values x 3. In your commented lines in interpolate_history, u_tau will be calculated as a number_of_x_values x 3 array. NOT a scalar as you show in your un-commented line
Your SIRPDE3 function contains the line
S_pre = u_tau(1);
This is simply setting S_pre to the value of S at the left end of your domain. It is hard for me to believe that this is actually what you intended?
It seems more likely to me that either your formulation or implementation is incorrect. So, if you really want help with this issue, I STRONGLY suggest, yet again, that you either provide a link to a reference describing the formulation or provide a detailed mathematical description (shown as equations, not matlab code).
鑫彤 纪
鑫彤 纪 il 14 Giu 2024
Thank you for your reply, I am very sorry for my lack of presentation and for my failure to understand what you meant!
Here is the link to the literature I referenced, which contains the partial differential equation I am trying to implement:
This reproduction has been bugging me for a while, here is the code after I changed it:
function run3()
global history;
xspan = linspace(0, 10, 100);
tau = 2.6;
total_time = 1000;
num_steps = ceil(total_time / tau);
% Initialising the history
history = initialize_history(xspan, tau, @SIRInitialConditions3);
for step = 1:num_steps
% Define the refinement time step within each time period
tspan = linspace((step-1)*tau, step*tau, 5);
sol = pdepe(0, @SIRPDE3, @SIRInitialConditions3, @SIRBoundaryConditions3, xspan, tspan);
update_history(sol, tspan);
t = linspace(0, total_time, size(history.u, 1));
plot_results(t, xspan, history);
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = SIRBoundaryConditions3(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
pl = [0; 0; 0];
ql = [1; 1; 1];
pr = [0; 0; 0];
qr = [1; 1; 1];
function u0 = SIRInitialConditions3(x)
S0 = 1.25;
I0 = 0.85;
R0 = 0.74;
u0 = [S0; I0; R0];
function u_tau = interpolate_history(history, x, t, tau)
% Interpolating function to get the state at time t - tau
t_target = t - tau;
if t_target < history.t(1)
u_tau = squeeze(history.u(1, :, :)); % Out of history range, use first value
u_tau = interp1(history.t, squeeze(history.u(:, :, :)), t_target, 'linear', 'extrap');
function history = initialize_history(xspan, tau, initial_conditions)
% Initialising the history
history.x = xspan;
history.t = linspace(-tau, 0, 5)'; % Initialise from -tau to 0 and make sure it's a column vector.
history.u = zeros(length(history.t), length(xspan), 3);
for i = 1:length(xspan)
initial_u = initial_conditions(xspan(i));
for j = 1:length(history.t)
history.u(j, i, :) = initial_u;
function update_history(sol, tspan)
global history;
% Get the solution for the last time step
new_u = sol(end, :, :);
% Add new solution to history
history.t = [history.t; tspan(2:end)'];
history.u = cat(1, history.u, sol(2:end, :, :));
% Ensure that the length of the history does not exceed tau
max_len = length(history.x) * 5;
if size(history.u, 1) > max_len
history.t = history.t(end-max_len+1:end);
history.u = history.u(end-max_len+1:end, :, :);
function plot_results(t, xspan, history)
S = squeeze(history.u(:, :, 1));
I = squeeze(history.u(:, :, 2));
R = squeeze(history.u(:, :, 3));
subplot(1, 3, 1);
surf(xspan, t, S);
title('Susceptible (S)');
xlabel('Distance (x)');
ylabel('Time (t)');
shading interp;
subplot(1, 3, 2);
surf(xspan, t, I);
title('Infectious (I)');
xlabel('Distance (x)');
ylabel('Time (t)');
shading interp;
subplot(1, 3, 3);
surf(xspan, t, R);
title('Recovered (R)');
xlabel('Distance (x)');
ylabel('Time (t)');
shading interp;
function [c,f,s] = SIRPDE3(x, t, u, DuDx)
global history;
Lambda = 0.8;
gamma = 0.6;
mu = 0.3;
alpha = 0.5;
beta = 0.2;
theta = 0.7;
tau = 2.65;
d1 = 0.1; d2 = 0.1; d3 = 0.1;
S = u(1);
I = u(2);
R = u(3);
u_tau = interpolate_history(history, x, t, tau);
S_pre = u_tau(1);
dSdt = Lambda - gamma * S_pre * I - mu * S;
dIdt = theta * gamma * S_pre * I - mu * I - beta*I/(1+alpha*I);
dRdt = (1 - theta) * gamma * S_pre * I - mu * R + beta*I/(1+alpha*I);
c = [1; 1; 1];
f = [d1; d2; d3] .* DuDx;
s = [dSdt; dIdt; dRdt];
Can you help me see what the problem is? How should I modify it?

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Risposte (1)

Torsten il 8 Giu 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 8 Giu 2024
The problem simply is that you cannot solve delay PDEs with "pdepe", at least not directly.
A possible remedy:
Call "pdepe" in a loop from 0 to tau, from tau to 2*tau and so on. Each time control is returned to the calling program, change the history data to the results you obtained in the preceeding step of length tau and make them accessible where needed. Use "interp1" to interpolate to the time t - tau.
  10 Commenti
Torsten il 17 Giu 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 17 Giu 2024
After the call to "pdepe", add the lines
TSPAN((i-1)*nt+1:i*nt) = tspan;
SOL((i-1)*nt+1:i*nt,:,:) = sol;
Then xspan, TSPAN and SOL contain all information you need for your surface plots.
Since S, I and R are constant over x for all times t, a surface plot does not add more information to the usual plot I included. You shouldn't always do what your teachers tell you to do if you have arguments that support your point-of-view.
鑫彤 纪
鑫彤 纪 il 18 Giu 2024
Ok, thank you very much! Your reply really helped me a lot!

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