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How can I use a Rician simulation on Passband?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am developing a Rician simulation for an OTFS modem and implementing it on a signal that has been modulated to passband. I am using the 'comm.RicianChannel' function for this purpose.
However, I encountered an issue: the output of this function is complex, as if it were in baseband, while I need the output to be in passband and real-valued.
I attempted to create an analytic signal and then use only the real part after applying the channel, but I am uncertain if this approach is correct.
Could you please advise on how to adjust the function or filter to work with passband signals and obtain a real-valued output? Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Code example of the Rician channel:
%% Configure a Rician channel object
ricChan = comm.RicianChannel( ...
'SampleRate',fs, ...
'PathDelays',delayVector, ...
'AveragePathGains',gainVector, ...
'KFactor',KFactor, ...
'DirectPathDopplerShift',specDopplerShift, ...
'MaximumDopplerShift',maxDopplerShift, ...
'RandomStream','mt19937ar with seed', ...
'Seed',randi([1 1000],1) , ...
%% Apply Rician channel object on the modulated data
for k = 1:numberOfReceivers
temp=[zeros(round(DelayTime(k) * fs),1); sigIn ; zeros(round(max(DelayTime * fs)) - round(DelayTime(k) * fs),1)];
noise = Pn * randn(1, size(sigIn, 2));

Risposta accettata

Pratyush il 18 Giu 2024
Hi Yedidia,
To adapt a simulation for a passband and real-valued output when using MATLAB's "comm.RicianChannel", which inherently outputs complex baseband signals, follow these steps:
  • Ensure your input ("sigIn") is in baseband.
  • Apply the channel effects using "comm.RicianChannel" to the baseband signal.
  • After channel application, modulate the signal back to passband frequency ("fc") using a carrier wave. This step converts the signal from baseband to passband.
  • Use the real part of the modulated signal as your final, real-valued passband output.
The process involves applying the channel effects at baseband and then shifting the signal to passband, ensuring the output matches the physical representation of passband signals.

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