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optimization expression includes an integration

9 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am trying an optimization problem in which the expression of the objective function includes an integral.
It is obvious that the \sigma equal to one results in the optimium solution. I want to use the optimization toolbox to get this result with an initial \sigma equal to, say, 10.
I wrote the following code.
g1 = @(x,c) (exp(-(0.5*(x./c).^2))./sqrt(2*pi*c^2));
c = optimvar("c",1,1,'Type','continuous','LowerBound',0.1,'UpperBound',10);
prob = optimproblem('Objective', (0.5 - integral(@(x)g1(x,c),0, 10)).^2);
[solf,fvalf,eflagf,outputf] = solve(prob)
The following error is generated.
Error using integralCalc>finalInputChecks (line 544)
Input function must return 'double' or 'single' values. Found
I have two questions:
1, Am I coding the problem properly/correctly?
2, If the code is basically correct, how can I solve the error?
Thank you.

Risposta accettata

Torsten il 25 Lug 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 25 Lug 2024
c = optimvar("c",1,1,'Type','continuous','LowerBound',0.1,'UpperBound',10);
g1 = @(x,c) exp(-0.5*(x./c).^2)./sqrt(2*pi*c^2);
obj = fcn2optimexpr(@(c)abs(0.5-integral(@(x)g1(x,c),0,10)).^0.5,c);
prob = optimproblem('Objective', obj);
OptimizationProblem : Solve for: c minimize : arg1 where: anonymousFunction1 = @(c)abs(0.5-integral(@(x)g1(x,c),0,10)).^0.5; arg1 = anonymousFunction1(c); variable bounds: 0.1 <= c <= 10
x0.c = 10;
options = optimoptions("fmincon",OptimalityTolerance=1e-18);
[solf,fvalf,eflagf,outputf] = solve(prob,x0,Options=options)
Solving problem using fmincon. Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance, and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
solf = struct with fields:
c: 1.0115
fvalf = 0
eflagf =
outputf = struct with fields:
iterations: 6 funcCount: 35 constrviolation: 0 stepsize: 6.9192e-06 algorithm: 'interior-point' firstorderopt: 0 cgiterations: 18 message: 'Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints....' bestfeasible: [1x1 struct] objectivederivative: "finite-differences" constraintderivative: "closed-form" solver: 'fmincon'
%The function showing the error is very flat - thus c = 1 is unlikely as
y = 0.01:0.01:3;
G1 = arrayfun(@(y)abs(0.5-integral(@(x)g1(x,y),0,10)).^0.5,y);
grid on
  2 Commenti
Sukvasant Tantikovt
Sukvasant Tantikovt il 29 Lug 2024
Hi Torsten,
Thank you for your help.
The solution seems to be very sensitivty to the upper bound value. If this value is changed to 30, the code produces c equal to 1.5 747. If the upper bound is 20, c = 0.4068 is obtained. Do you have any idea?
Torsten il 29 Lug 2024
Modificato: Torsten il 29 Lug 2024
I plotted the error function for your problem. It's almost 0 for c in the interval [0 3] and too flat to get good convergence. Most probably, the integral cannot be computed with sufficient accuracy. Using MATLAB's "erf" function (after a coordinate transformation) or a symbolic computation might help.

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