I found an alternate solution. Since my original post I learned that the images contained in the text files in question (from a 3rd-party CAD software developer) are encoded as base64 text. I use fgetl(fid) to read the file line by line, searching for particular character strings that indicate the start of image data, in my case "Image64'/9j". The single quote following "Image64" indicates the start of the image data, and a second single quote indicates the end of image data. I use the strcat function to create a single long character array containing all characters between the two single quotes. For a character array named "image" the following code creates and saves a .jpeg image file named imagfile.jpeg:
model = matlab.net.base64decode(image);
fileName = 'imagefile.jpeg';
fidout = fopen(fileName, 'wb');
fwrite(fidout, model);