I'm trying to solve jeffry hamel equation using RK4 but it's not giving output as expected.
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Kushagra Saurabh
il 4 Set 2024
Modificato: Torsten
il 13 Set 2024
%%%% Jeffry-Hamel equation stability analysis %%%%
%%% ode:(U''' +2sUU' = 0) such that U' = g, g' = h, h' = -2*s*U*g %%%
%%% where s = S/a and a = slope of the wall %%%
%%% BC: U =1,g =0 at y =0 && U = 0, g= 10 (Kn = 0.1) at y = 1 %%%
%%% Find h(0) such that g(1) = 10 %%%
%% Range of Variable %%
y_cl = 0;
y_chw = 1;
Re = 0.68e5;
S = 6;
%% Boundary conditions %%
U0 = 1;
U1 = 0;
g0 = 0;
g1 = 10;
h0 = [0.1 0.3];
%% Improved step size and error tolerance %%
d_y = 0.001; % Reduce step size for better accuracy
N = (y_chw -y_cl)/d_y;
err = 1;
max_iter = 6e5; % Limit the maximum number of iterations
iter_count = 0;
%% initializing solution %%
y = y_cl : d_y : y_chw; % y coordinate for plot function
while err > 1e-15 && iter_count < max_iter
iter_count = iter_count + 1;
for j = 1:2
F = zeros(N+1, 3); % Initialize solution matrix
F(1, :) = [U0 g0 h0(j)];
% Runge-Kutta 4th order method
for i = 1:N
k1 = d_y * [F(i, 2) F(i, 3) -(F(i, 1) * F(i, 2)) * 2 * S];
k2 = d_y * [F(i, 2) + k1(2)/2 F(i, 3) + k1(3)/2 -( (F(i, 1) + k1(1)/2) * (F(i, 2) + k1(2)/2) ) * 2 * S];
k3 = d_y * [F(i, 2) + k2(2)/2 F(i, 3) + k2(3)/2 -( (F(i, 1) + k2(1)/2) * (F(i, 2) + k2(2)/2) ) * 2 * S];
k4 = d_y * [F(i, 2) + k3(2) F(i, 3) + k3(3) -( (F(i, 1) + k3(1)) * (F(i, 2) + k3(2)) ) * 2 * S];
F(i+1, :) = F(i, :) + (1/6) * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
g_1(j) = F(end, 2); % Store g(1) for each trial
% Compute error and update h0
[err, index] = max(abs(g1 - g_1));
P = diff(g_1);
if P ~= 0
h0_new = h0(1) + (diff(h0) / diff(g_1)) * (g1 - g_1(1));
h0(index) = h0_new;
% Final check on iteration count
if iter_count >= max_iter
warning('Max iterations reached. Convergence may not be achieved.');
%% plotting
f1.Units = 'normalized';
f1.Position = [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.6];
xlim([0 1]);
ylim([0 1]);
axis square
grid on
title('Jeffry Hamel solution');
I'm also inserting a plot the I want to see:
please help me in getting this resolved.
Thanks in advance.
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Risposta accettata
Alan Stevens
il 6 Set 2024
The following code produces something very close to the plot that you want to see. However, the values of g(1) are nowhere near 10. Are you sure you have expressed the Jeffery-Hamel equations correctly?
%%%% Jeffry-Hamel equation stability analysis %%%%
%%% ode:(U''' +2sUU' = 0) such that U' = g, g' = h, h' = -2*s*U*g %%%
%%% where s = S/a and a = slope of the wall %%%
%%% BC: U =1,g =0 at y =0 && U = 0, g= 10 (Kn = 0.1) at y = 1 %%%
%%% Find h(0) such that g(1) = 10 %%%
yspan = 0:0.1:1;
U0 = 1; g0 = 0;
h0 = [-1.7, -2.0, -4.3, -4.1];
s = [0, 0, 6, 6];
sl = ['-s'; '-s'; '-+'; '-+'];
hold on
for i = 1:numel(h0)
Ugh0 = [U0, g0, h0(i)];
[y, Ugh] = ode45(@(y,Ugh)fn(y,Ugh,s(i)), yspan, Ugh0);
U = Ugh(:,1); g = Ugh(:,2); h = Ugh(:,3);
disp(['with s = ', num2str(s(i)),' and h(0) = ',num2str(h0(i)),...
' g(1) = ', num2str(g(end))])
xlabel('U'), ylabel('y')
legend(['s = 0', ' h(0) = ', num2str(h0(1))], ...
['s = 0 ',' h(0) = ', num2str(h0(2))], ...
['s = 6', ' h(0) = ', num2str(h0(3))], ...
['s = 6', ' h(0) = ', num2str(h0(4))])
function dUghdy = fn(~,Ugh,s)
U = Ugh(1); g = Ugh(2); h = Ugh(3);
dUghdy = [g; h; -2*s*U*g];
11 Commenti
Più risposte (1)
il 13 Set 2024
Modificato: Torsten
il 13 Set 2024
s = 6;
Kn = 0.1;
U20 = -1;
U2 = fsolve(@(U2)fun_shoot(U2,s,Kn),U20)
[Y,Z] = fun_odes(U2,s);
grid on
function res = fun_shoot(U2,s,Kn)
[Y,Z] = fun_odes(U2,s);
res = Z(end,1) + Kn* Z(end,2);
function [Y,Z] = fun_odes(U2,s)
f = @(y,z)[z(2);z(3);-2*s*z(1)*z(2)];
z0 = [1;0;U2];
[Y,Z] = ode45(f,[0 1],z0);
2 Commenti
il 13 Set 2024
Modificato: Torsten
il 13 Set 2024
I don't know - I didn't check your code. I just used MATLAB functions ("fsolve" for shooting and "ode45" for integration) and it worked fine.
So what you should learn is to use as many MATLAB functions and to implement as little self-made numerical parts as possible to solve a problem.
E.g. the update
F(3) = F(3) - error; % Update h(0) based on error Converges quicker here if error not multiplied by a small factor
doesn't make sense at all in your code. How should the values you get for U at y=1 influence the 2nd derivative of U at y=0 in this way ?
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