Failed Code generation information file does not exist.

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I am trying to run the simulink example in Kernel Mode for Desktop Realtime Simulation.
SImulink Ex : Execution Time Measurement and Block Profiling Open Example
I get the following issue.
Console Log:
Top Model Build
### Invoking custom build hook: CodeGenEntry
Build Summary
Top model targets built: Model Action Rebuild Reason =============================================================================
sldrtex_profiling Failed Code generation information file does not exist.
0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 1.5349s
Error encountered while executing custom build hooks CustomRTWEntryHook(modelName);: Undefined function 'CustomRTWEntryHook' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Caused by:
Undefined function 'CustomRTWEntryHook' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Can someone help me fix this.
>> sldrtkernel -version
The installed version of the Simulink Desktop Real-Time kernel is 5.15.0.

Risposte (1)

R il 11 Set 2024
I tried the build on my machine and it was successful, looks like the issue is not reproducible and specific to your system/configuration.
Sometimes, these issues arise from outdated or corrupted cache entries. Refreshing the cache can resolve such problems by ensuring MATLAB has the most current view of the available functions and files.
Can you try refreshing & rehashing MATLAB and trying again?
rehash path
rehash toolbox
Quick note:
  1. rehash path and rehash toolbox updates the internal caches of files and directories and toolboxes
  2. sl_refresh_customizations command refreshes Simulink customizations, including custom menus, libraries, and build hooks. This is especially relevant if the issue is related to custom build hooks, as it forces MATLAB to reload any customizations that might have been missed or improperly loaded.
  1 Commento
Yeltsin il 16 Set 2024
unfortunately that did not help. I still get the same issue. I there a setup for the simulink desktop realtime that i should follow ?

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