- avoid using variable/function names that only differ by case. These cause plenty of confusion.
- use FULLFILE rather than concatenating text together.
- if you require column vectors then create column vectors.
- More here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/discussions/tips/847916-experts-of-matlab-how-did-you-learn-any-advice-for-beginner-intermediate-users
what I write to a file is different to what I read back from the same file
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Branko Celler
il 21 Ott 2024
Commentato: Branko Celler
il 21 Ott 2024
I calculate calibration constants using a simple program as shown below for two variables. The input data is coded into a table.
% Set up calibration of EXP from Table
close all;
clear all
format SHORTE
ExpNumber=input('Enter Experiment Number = ')
CAL_File=[CAL_Path 'CAL_EXP_' num2str(ExpNumber) '.mat']
% Enter Calibration Data into matrix below
Pressure=[0 44.2 91 139.2 186 242.4]
Count_cp=[168 12002 24002 36005 48008 62008];
Count_iabp=[2206 12124 22825 33549 44318 57075];
Calibration=table(Pressure, Count_cp, Count_iabp)
disp([Calibration.Pressure' Calibration.Count_cp' Calibration.Count_iabp'])
% First for CP
[f,q] = fit(x,y,'poly1')
% Now for IABP
cp_cal=[f.p1 f.p2];
iabp_cal=[F.p1 F.p2];
save(CAL_File, 'ExpNumber','Calibration','cp_cal','f','q','iabp_cal','F','Q')
clear ExpNumber Calibration cp_cal f q iabp_cal F Q % Should not be necessary as I clear all variable on start of program
disp('Ended normally ***********')
This produces a file CAL_EXP_10, as the ExpNumber entered is 10
I then wrote a simple program to check the data written by reading it back, using the simple program, ReadCalFile.m
% Read CAL file
clear all
Exp=input('Enter Experiment Number = ') % Required calibration data to read
CAL_File=[CAL_Path 'CAL_EXP_' num2str(Exp) '.mat']
load CAL_File
disp([Calibration.Pressure' Calibration.Count_cp' Calibration.Count_iabp'])
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------end of read program
The data read back when Exp is selcted as 10 returns data fro CAL_EXP_12.mat as shown below,
Enter Experiment Number = 10
Exp =
10 % Number of requested cal file to read
CAL_File =
Your variables are:
CAL_File Calibration ExpNumber Q f q
CAL_Path Exp F cp_cal iabp_cal
10 % Correct file requested
12 % Incorrect ExpNumber returned
0 1.6700e+02 6.2500e+02 % Data matrix returned does not match data for EXP_10
4.3200e+01 1.2006e+04 1.0620e+04
9.1700e+01 2.4010e+04 2.1303e+04
1.4000e+02 3.6015e+04 3.2152e+04
1.8710e+02 4.8009e+04 4.3059e+04
2.4160e+02 6.2001e+04 5.5854e+04
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Risposta accettata
il 21 Ott 2024
Modificato: Stephen23
il 21 Ott 2024
Because you are reading a different file than you are writing. The main problem is this line here
load CAL_File
where you LOAD a file literally named "CAL_File" using command syntax (you should have used function syntax):
After fixing that and some other "features" of your code and testing it here:
ExpNumber = 10;
CAL_Path = '.';
CAL_File = fullfile(CAL_Path,['CAL_EXP_',num2str(ExpNumber),'.mat']);
% Enter Calibration Data into matrix below
Pressure = [ 0; 44.2; 91; 139.2; 186;242.4];
Count_cp = [168;12002;24002; 36005;48008;62008];
Count_iabp = [2206;12124;22825;33549;44318;57075];
% First for CP
[f,q] = fit(Count_cp,Pressure,'poly1');
% Now for IABP
[F,Q] = fit(Count_iabp,Pressure,'poly1');
cp_cal = [f.p1,f.p2];
iabp_cal = [F.p1,F.p2];
save(CAL_File, 'ExpNumber','cp_cal','f','q','iabp_cal','F','Q')
clear all
ExpNum = 10;
CAL_Path = '.';
CAL_File = fullfile(CAL_Path,['CAL_EXP_',num2str(ExpNum),'.mat']);
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