As per my understanding, you are trying to do UIS (Unclamped Inductive switching) test on a power MOSFET in Simulink, but not getting results as shown in the literatures. UIS test is done on MOSFET to test its ruggedness towards sudden opening and closing of inductive circuits. The below given schematic is referred to make a Simulink model.
For UIS testing, we require a detailed model of MOSFET. Simulink provides a block “SPICE-Imported MOSFET” found inside the library “Simscape / Electrical / Semiconductors & Converters”. It models a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) that has been parameterized using an external SPICE subcircuit. You can use your own Spice model for a particular device, or use the already available spice models that are listed in documentation:
“SPICE-Imported MOSFET” block provides you the flexibility to use Spice model of any device (GaN or SiC) and simulate its behaviour in Simulink. Moreover, Spice models are easily available because majority of device manufacturers also provide detailed Spice models which model their device.
I have made a Simulink model for UIS testing of “Infineon OptiMOS5 80V” MOSFET, which I have also attached with this answer.
Below given is the waveform of drain current and drain-source voltage seen across the switch (observed on Data inspector).
The below figure zooms at the switching instance:
We can see that it is agreeing with the waveform as attached by you. We can see some deviation because there are LC oscillations arising due to circuit inductance and stray capacitances of MOSFET.
This model illustrates one of the approaches to implement UIS test. There may be different resources stating other approaches.
I hope it helps!