I am currently working on a data center cooling example using Simscape Fluids. I am trying to understand how the outlet flow rate and the actual brake power of the Centrifugal Pump (TL) are determined based on the Input Angular Velocity (RPM) and the Nominal Parameters and Reference Shaft Speed specified when selecting 'Capacity, head, and brake power at reference shaft speed' within the Centrifugal Pump (TL) block.
I am aware from the block's help documentation that the values are determined according to the affinity laws. However, the equations provided in the help center do not clearly explain how the outlet flow rate is determined based on my specific input RPM relative to the nominal values.
Could someone provide a detailed explanation of the relationship between the Nominal Values, Reference Values, and the values measurable through sensors? And also is there any functions or source codes to expect the output values?
Thank you for your assistance.