how would one use logic commands to run separate function files with single-statement intput?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
So I am trying to create a ballistic calculator as a class project, and I am trying to make it as user friendly as possible. I have a couple of function files with the equations relevant to the cartridges we made ourselves based on charts and I would like to call on them using logic via input in the command window. I found you can simply run a file by using the run command, but we haven't covered this in class and so the nomenclature is a struggle for me.
the file name is c223 for .223 rem. and i haven't uploaded the other files my teamates are working on. so i have the program display arbitrary text values until i can upload them in. I'm just trying to get this to work.
this is what i have so far, can someone please help me understand how to convince matlab to run the function file by entering ".223" into the command window?
%project draft
clear, close all, format compact, clc
disp('select caliber (.223, .270 win):')
switch f
case .223
case .270

Risposta accettata

Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 29 Nov 2024
Use the input function with the 's' option to allow the user to type in a string, or you could use uigetfile to let the user select the file from a dialog box. Once you have the name, one way to run the file is using switch but that would require you to modify your code every time you create a new function for a new armament. Or you could use feval if you allow the user to select a file interactively.
% [file, location] = uigetfile; % can't run in MATLAB Answers, assume that I've selected why.m
file = 'why.m'; % I'm not going to use location in this example
Now remove the extension:
[~, name, ext] = fileparts(file)
name = 'why'
ext = '.m'
and run it:
feval(name) % call the why function with 0 inputs and 0 outputs
To satisfy the rich hamster.
  2 Commenti
Jett il 29 Nov 2024
uigetfile and feval are interesting functions and i definitely would like to get comfortable with them. but for clarity's sake, when you "s" option, do you mean like in place of where i have "run(f)"?
thank you so much!
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 30 Nov 2024
See the Description section on the documentation page for the input function for a description of the 's' option to that function.

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