When using polyspace-configure.exe to generate a polyspace.psprj file, an error occurs, but the polyspace.psprj,then use BugFinder analysis software pauses at 4% of the file.
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When using polyspace-configure.exe to generate a polyspace.psprj file, an error occurs, but the polyspace.psprj file is still generated. When opening the polyspace.psprj file and using the Bug Finder function to analyze the software, the analysis stops at 4% of the file. Is this caused by the error that occurred during the generation of the polyspace.psprj configuration file?
polyspace-configure.exe report errors as follow
D:\06_VCU_K3\VCU_S32K3_BSW\Make>set PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ETAS\3rdParty4.0\;C:\Python311\Scripts\;C:\Python311\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Pico Technology\PicoScope6\;C:\Users\liuyi\exe;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\runtime\win64;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\bin;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\polyspace\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ETAS\ETASShared12\CalculatedSignals;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\bin;C:\ARC\MetaWare\ide;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_ 64\bin;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_64\lib;C:\ARC\MetaWare\arc\bin;C:\ARC\license\bin;C:\ARC\MetaWare\ide;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_64\bin;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_64\lib;C:\ARC\MetaWare\arc\bin;C:\ARC\license\bin;C:\ARC\MetaWare\ide;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_64\bin;C:\ARC\nSIM\nSIM_64\lib;C:\ARC\MetaWare\arc\bin;C:\ARC\license\bin;C:\HighTec\toolchains\tricore\v4.9.4.1\bin;C:\HighTec\licensemanager;C:\Users\liuyi\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\JLINK;C:\Users\liuyi\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\liuyi\exe; C:\ARC\MetaWare\arc\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\bin\..\..\bin\win64\;D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\bin\..\..\bin\win32\;;D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\bin\
polyspace-configure: 889s: WARNING: Several linker configurations are available for '(.*-)?(ld\.)?gold(-.+)?', from D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\gcc.xml and D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\ccac.xml. Ignoring the former.
polyspace-configure: 889s: WARNING: Several linker configurations are available for '(.*-)?ar(-.+)?', from D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\gcc.xml and D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\ccac.xml. Ignoring the former.
polyspace-configure: 889s: WARNING: Several linker configurations are available for '(.*-)?ld(-.+)?', from D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\gcc.xml and D:\11Install\Polyspace\polyspace\configure\compiler_configuration\ccac.xml. Ignoring the former.
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (122646512)] INJECT_PROCESS problem during the injection for 15528.19616 but injection succeeded
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (122646512)] Failed to wait 15528 for event with code 258
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (2053220484)] INJECT_PROCESS problem during the injection for 8280.10336 but injection succeeded
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (2053220484)] Failed to wait 8280 for event with code 258
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (218609976)] INJECT_PROCESS problem during the injection for 21804.4876 but injection succeeded
polyspace-configure: 891s: ERROR: [from sniffer (218609976)] Failed to wait 21804 for event with code 258
polyspace-configure: 892s: ERROR: [from sniffer (223286376)] INJECT_PROCESS problem during the injection for 15304.9032 but injection succeeded
polyspace-configure: 892s: ERROR: [from sniffer (223286376)] Failed to wait 15304 for event with code 258
polyspace-configure: 892s: ERROR: [from sniffer (1037221552)] INJECT_PROCESS problem during the injection for 15352.16820 but injection succeeded
polyspace-configure: 892s: ERROR: [from sniffer (1037221552)] Failed to wait 15352 for event with code 258
polyspace-configure: 901s: WARNING: Compiler C:/Program Files/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 9.1/arm/bin/iccarm.exe ( --cpu=Cortex-M7 --debug --endian=little --fpu=VF
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Risposte (1)
il 12 Dic 2024
Hi Cherry,
The error messages refer to a synchronization mechanism reaching a timeout. However, it seems that the injection took place anyway, so the message can be ignored as it likely isn't causing the Bug Finder analysis to stop. If I remember correctly, the verbosity of this message has been changed from “Error” to “Debug” since MATLAB R2022b. You can refer to this MATLAB Answers thread for a detailed explanation from a MathWorks Staff member:
When the Bug Finder loads for some time and stops, it is often due to a function analysis being stopped by a timeout. This can be verified from the generated log file. If this is the case, I suggest to either upgrading the Polyspace to the latest version or splitting analysis into smaller parts. You might want to refer to the following documentation for more details on the log file to address issues causing the stoppage:
It these suggestions could not resolve the issue, consider contacting the MathWorks technical support:
I hope this helps!
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