I want to chek my function for solving system of equaton
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i write matlba function for solve a systme from a EM problem
function [Is] = current()
[f,N,Nc,a1,a2,ra,k0,Z0,lambda ,gap_angle] = parameter();
% Angular positions φ_n
phi_n = -gap_angle+ ((2*n - 1) * pi / N); % Compute φ_n
% Initialize matrices
A = zeros(4*N, 2*N); % Coefficient matrix (4N equations, 2N unknowns)
b = zeros(4*N, 1); % Right-hand side vector
% Fill the coefficient matrix A and vector b
for m = 1:N
for n = 1:N
% Compute angular difference and distances R1 and R2
phi_diff = phi_n(m) - phi_n(n);
R1 = sqrt(ra^2 + a1^2 - 2*ra*a1*cos(phi_diff));
R2 = sqrt(ra^2 + a2^2 - 2*ra*a2*cos(phi_diff));
% Bessel functions
H0_R1 = besselh(0, 2, k0*R1); % H_0^(2)(k0*R1)
H0_R2 = besselh(0, 2, k0*R2); % H_0^(2)(k0*R2)
H1_R1 = besselh(1, 2, k0*R1); % H_1^(2)(k0*R1)
H1_R2 = besselh(1, 2, k0*R2); % H_1^(2)(k0*R2)
% Equation (5): Rows 1:N
A(m, n)=(k0*Z0/4) * H0_R1;
% Equation (6): Rows N+1:2N
A(m+N, n+N) = H0_R2;
% Equation (7): Rows 2N+1:3N
A(m+2*N, n) = (k0*Z0/4) * H0_R1;
A(m+2*N, n+N) = -(k0*Z0/4) * H0_R2;
% Equation (8): Rows 3N+1:4N
A(m+3*N, n) = (1j*k0/4) * ((ra - a1*cos(phi_diff)) / R1) * H1_R1;
A(m+3*N, n+N) = -(1j*k0/4) * ((ra - a2*cos(phi_diff)) / R2) * H1_R2;
% Right-hand side vector b
b(m) =E_inc_z(ra, phi_n(m)); % Incident E_z for Eq (5)
b(m+N) = 0; % Zero for Eq (6)
b(m+2*N) =E_inc_z(ra, phi_n(m)); % Incident E_z for Eq (7)
b(m+3*N) = H_inc_phi(ra, phi_n(m)); % Incident H_phi for Eq (8)
% Solve the system using linsolve
x = linsolve(A, b);
% Extract unknowns w_n^(1) and w_n^(2)
w1 = x(1:N);
w2 = x(N+1:2*N);
Is = [w1; w2]
% Display results
end % added by Sam (Editor)
the system is in
the function is correct ?
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