Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How can I plot distribution with shades?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Giorgi il 18 Set 2015
Commentato: Kelly Kearney il 18 Set 2015
Hello Matlabers :)
I have timeseries that I forecast for 12 period for 1000 times so I have 12X1000 matrix now and I want to make chart like this
Can anyone help me?

Risposte (1)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng il 18 Set 2015
you'd do something like this where you would use fill to generate the ranges of the distribution
t = 0:.1:10;
x = 2*t.^2;
ulimit= 10*rand(size(x));
llimit= 10*rand(size(x));
hold on
h(1)=fill([t fliplr(t)],[x+3*ulimit fliplr(x-3*llimit)],'g','edgecolor','none')
h(2)=fill([t fliplr(t)],[x+2*ulimit fliplr(x-2*llimit)],'b','edgecolor','none')
h(3)=fill([t fliplr(t)],[x+ulimit fliplr(x-llimit)],'r','edgecolor','none')
  1 Commento
Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney il 18 Set 2015
My boundedline.m can help automate the procedure Joseph outlined:
% Data
t = (1:1000)';
y = 2*t.^2;
err = bsxfun(@times, rand(1000,12), t*1000);
y = bsxfun(@plus, y, err);
% Calculate bounds and plot
ymed = median(y, 2);
prc = [0 10 25 75 90 100];
p = prctile(y, prc, 2);
ylo = bsxfun(@minus, ymed, p(:,1:length(prc)/2));
yhi = bsxfun(@minus, p(:,end:-1:length(prc)/2+1), ymed);
bnd = permute(cat(3,ylo,yhi), [1 3 2]);
[hl, hp] = boundedline(t, [ymed ymed ymed], bnd);

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