Why find doesn't work for some number?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
mariem farhat
mariem farhat il 23 Ott 2015
Commentato: Steven Lord il 27 Mag 2021
I have the following code
if true
for i = 0:0.1:2
k = find (A==i);
This code works but for some number it doesn't work. For example, i=0.6 and 0.7. But when I wrote find(k==0.6) it works!!!
What is the problem? Any idea please

Risposte (1)

Adam il 23 Ott 2015
Modificato: Adam il 23 Ott 2015
Testing exact equality between double-precision data is un-safe in general. Due to the representation of these numbers a test for absolute equality can fail because of a difference of 0.000001 that you don't see in the variable editor or command window.
If your values such as 0.6 in the array A are the result of some calculation then this will often be the case that they are not precisely 0.6, but may instead be 0.600000000001
  6 Commenti
Rik il 27 Mag 2021
You can either use ismembertol, uniquetol, etc, or you can do something like this:
% instead of A==B
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 27 Mag 2021
Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and comparing floating-point numbers. The tolerance controls what is "close enough" to a match to count as a match.
x = 1;
y = 2;
If you compare x and y with a tolerance of 5 ("close enough" being within 5 units) then x and y match.
doTheyMatch = abs(x-y) <= 5
doTheyMatch = logical
If you compare x and y with a tolerance of 0.5 ("close enough" being within 0.5 units) then they do not.
doTheyMatch = abs(x-y) <= 0.5
doTheyMatch = logical
If you used a tolerance of 0 you're saying "close enough isn't good enough, it has to be an exact match down to the last bit" and in that case sometimes numbers that look like they match don't actually match.
tenth = 0.1; % Not exactly one tenth, but close
z1 = tenth + tenth + tenth
z1 = 0.3000
z2 = 0.3
z2 = 0.3000
doTheyMatch = abs(z1-z2) <= 0 % essentially equivalent to z1 == z2
doTheyMatch = logical
howFarApart = abs(z1-z2) % very small but not 0
howFarApart = 5.5511e-17

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