Save Cell data to file

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
monkey_matlab il 20 Nov 2015
Commentato: monkey_matlab il 20 Nov 2015
In the code below, how do I go about saving the cell data to a csv file with the specified headers?
Here is my code:
A = 1:15;
B = (0.5)*rand(15,1);
C = 1:20;;
D = (0.5)*rand(20,1);
E = (0.5)*rand(20,1);
CELL{1} = A';
CELL{2} = B;
CELL{3} = C';
CELL{4} = D;
CELL{5} = E;
% fileID = fopen('check.dat','w');
% fprintf(fileID,'%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\r\n','Iter1','b', 'Iter2', 'd', 'e');
% fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f %6.5f %6.5f %6.5f %6.5f\r\n',CELL);
% fclose(fileID);
  3 Commenti
monkey_matlab il 20 Nov 2015
Modificato: monkey_matlab il 20 Nov 2015
I wanted to have the last entries empty in the first two columns. Thanks.

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Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Nov 2015
Create a cell array large enough to hold everything if everything was the same length -- so in this case, 20 by 5. Set all the entries to '' the empty string. Now in the entries that should have a defined value, write in the string corresponding to the number that goes in that position. For example,
Astr = cellstr(num2str(A.', '%6.5f'));
Output(1:length(Astr), 1) = Astr;
Once the entire Output cell array has been populated,
fmt = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n';
OutTranspose = Output .'; %need to transpose it
fprintf(fileID, fmt, OutTranspose{:});
The transpose has to do with row versus column concerns.

Più risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 20 Nov 2015
Modificato: Image Analyst il 20 Nov 2015
Try this:
clc; % Clear the command window.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
A = 1:15;
B = (0.5)*rand(15,1);
C = 1:20;;
D = (0.5)*rand(20,1);
E = (0.5)*rand(20,1);
CELL{1} = A';
CELL{2} = B;
CELL{3} = C';
CELL{4} = D;
CELL{5} = E;
fileID = fopen('check.dat','wt');
fprintf(fileID,'%6s, %6s, %6s, %6s, %6s\n','Iter1','b', 'Iter2', 'd', 'e');
fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f\n',CELL{1});
fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f\n',CELL{2});
fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f\n',CELL{3});
fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f\n',CELL{4});
fprintf(fileID,'%6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f, %6.5f\n',CELL{5});
  4 Commenti
monkey_matlab il 20 Nov 2015
Hello, this is the output I would like to get...
Iter1 b Iter2 d e f
1, .05120, 1, .8512, .5656, 5632
2, .56355, 2, .5635, .1259, .6321
15, .1256, 15, .8632, .4425, .0856
16, .2265, .4863, .9652
20, .1125, .9965, .1256
Thank you for your time.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Nov 2015
Is your goal to have column-oriented output, or is your goal to have a csv file? Because a csv file would look like

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