i have a capturing GUI, how do I save each image i capture in camera?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
this is the function button of capsave which get a snapshot of the camera then save the image.. how do i save the image every time I captured?
function capsave_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to capsave (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
load('pass_val_cam.mat', 'vid');
wa = getsnapshot(vid);
newName = sprintf('.jpg');
imwrite(wa,['FINALS\' newName,]);
% pause(ntrvl);

Risposta accettata

Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan il 17 Gen 2012
Hi, John
Can you find opening fcn in your code?
Something like
function untitled1_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
In the openingfcn you should write
handles.output = hObject;
handles.index = 0;
guidata(hObject, handles);
And in your capsave_Callback you should write
function capsave_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.output = hObject;
handles.index = handles.index + 1;
load('pass_val_cam.mat', 'vid');
wa = getsnapshot(vid);
newName = strcat('picture',num2str(handles.index),'.jpg');
imwrite(wa,['FINALS\' newName,]);
guidata(hObject, handles);

Più risposte (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 17 Gen 2012

john john
john john il 17 Gen 2012
the image is not yet on the current folder... i already figure out imwrite to save the image but it keeps replacing the image everytime i click my capture image button...
what you think best solution for this?
  5 Commenti
john john
john john il 17 Gen 2012
Undefined function or variable "imgnum". <--- this is my error.. how do u define the imgnum? is it the file directory?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 17 Gen 2012
persistent imgnum
defines imgnum.
There is a small bug in what I wrote, though: after the "persistent" command, add
if isempty(imgnum); imgnum = 0; end
(This is not a fix to imgnum not being defined; that is the job of the "persistent" that needs to be in your callback.)

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john john
john john il 18 Gen 2012
wow its perfect.. its fully working now..can i ask again sir? how do I insert the imresize function in matlab in order the image will be resize and it will be save in the folder..
which part of the code i am going 2 insert imresize?
  2 Commenti
Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan il 18 Gen 2012
before line
imwrite(wa,['FINALS\' newName,]);
just write :
wa = imresize(wa,scale);
'scale' is scalar.
john john
john john il 19 Gen 2012
Thanks For the answer.. I already figure that out sir hehehe but what you give also is really working well.. =)

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