How can we generate an image with equal number of intensity values?
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Navdeep Sony
il 31 Gen 2016
Commentato: Image Analyst
il 31 Gen 2016
For example we have an image that has 5 pixels with intensity 100, 5 with intensity 50, 5 with intensity 200 and so on.
1 Commento
Image Analyst
il 31 Gen 2016
Do all gray levels have an equal number of occurrence, or do you want to specify exactly what gray levels occur and for how many pixels each gray level occurs? If all have equal, then you want histogram equalization, but not like most people do it. You'd have to use special code.
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Walter Roberson
il 31 Gen 2016
needHeight = 96; needWidth = 78; %adjust as required
default_pix_intens = 0; %default intensity if the template does not describe enough pixels
template = [5, 100; %count, intensity
5, 50;
5, 200];
num_pix_needed = needHeight * needWidth;
pixdata = [];
for K = 1 : size(template,1)
pixdata = [pixdata, repmat(template(K,2), 1, template(K,1))];
num_pix_templated = length(pixdata);
if num_pix_templated > num_pix_needed
error( fprintf('only %d total pixels needed but template describes %d pixels', num_pix_needed, num_pix_templated) );
elseif num_pix_templated < num_pix_needed
pixdata(num_pix_templated+1 : num_pix_needed) = default_pix_intens;
scrambled_pixdata = pixdata(randperm(numel(pixdata))); %assuming you want a random order
pix_matrix = reshape(scrambled_pixdata, needHeight, needWidth);
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