check points inside triangle or on edge with example

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Good evening everyone
function or coding for finding point is inside triangle or sub triangle or its on edges
thanks for involving your knowledge to be share to answer question
  7 Commenti
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford il 9 Apr 2016
I've given the necessary expression as an "Answer" here. It doesn't seem like a very slow method to me.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 9 Apr 2016
Redwan Dan comments to John D'Errico:
am not here to prove you any thing and the way your answer and close is not nice treat with me if you don't know just don't comment or close

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Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford il 9 Apr 2016
Suppose P1 = [x1,y1], P2 = [x2,y2], and P3 = [x3,y3] are row vectors giving the coordinates of the three vertices of a triangle, and P = [x,y] is a row vector for the coordinates of a point P. To determine whether P lies inside the triangle P1P2P3 do this:
P12 = P1-P2; P23 = P2-P3; P31 = P3-P1;
t = sign(det([P31;P23]))*sign(det([P3-P;P23])) >= 0 & ...
sign(det([P12;P31]))*sign(det([P1-P;P31])) >= 0 & ...
sign(det([P23;P12]))*sign(det([P2-P;P12])) >= 0 ;
Point P lies within the triangle if and only if t is true.
  5 Commenti
T A il 26 Nov 2018
Modificato: T A il 7 Ago 2019
With regard to assessing whether a point is on an edge/edges using the conditional statements given in Roger's answer,
  • P is on a triangle edge when one of the three conditional statements is zero
  • P is on a triangle vertex when two of the three conditional statements are zero
With regard to computational efficiency, the process can be costly if you're searching across many triangles. In such a case, the easiest thing to do is to only perform the calculations when P is within the bounding box of the current triangle:
if P(1)<=max(Ptri(:,1))&&P(1)>=min(Ptri(:,1))...
%do the suggested calculations...
Evaluating this conditional statement is very, very cheap.
Muhamad Amirulfaris Abdullah
Hi there. what was the conditional statement that you were reffering to?

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Più risposte (1)

Gary Bikini
Gary Bikini il 12 Giu 2021
You can use the built-in function


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