can anyone help me to determine the sampling frequency ??if data is sampled at 100 hz ?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Here is the data of accelerometer. where the first column represents the time and 2nd 3rd and 4rth x, y ,z respectively.
1360805138 -0.685866 -4.001562 0.722538
1360805138 -0.560495 -2.429519 1.915072
1360805138 -0.174554 -1.559088 2.408179
1360805138 0.1325 -1.628509 1.698921
1360805138 0.294765 -1.737373 0.404076
1360805138 0.393192 -1.495007 -0.50859
1360805138 0.382755 -1.256403 -1.093691
1360805138 0.201678 -1.168777 -1.209838
1360805138 0.032252 -1.132975 -0.977666
1360805138 0.094148 -1.138193 -0.563447
1360805138 0.175948 -1.156277 -0.188429
1360805138 0.194032 -1.151301 0.165836
1360805138 0.173278 -1.091711 0.438301
1360805138 0.172914 -0.971923 0.535878
1360805138 0.12546 -0.861238 0.5502
1360805138 0.065506 -0.740723 0.481871
1360805138 0.045845 -0.664869 0.441335
1360805138 0.045845 -0.664869 0.441335
1360805138 0.04099 -0.266549 0.160132
1360805138 0.04099 -0.266549 0.160132
1360805138 0.04099 -0.266549 0.160132
1360805138 0.04099 -0.266549 0.160132
1360805138 -0.025032 0.133471 -0.504464
1360805138 0.072181 0.359088 -0.469025
1360805138 0.164904 0.597571 -0.450942
1360805138 0.25702 0.82331 -0.318654
1360805138 0.262482 0.920524 -0.177384
1360805138 0.274011 0.919188 -0.17168
1360805138 0.331781 0.85705 -0.594395
1360805138 0.301319 0.476206 -1.652942
1360805138 -0.041295 0.097061 -1.862661
1360805138 -0.331601 -0.342281 -1.80392
1360805138 -0.066661 -0.099915 -1.118207
1360805138 0.539558 -1.187953 -1.35317
1360805138 0.767846 -2.890342 -2.118499
1360805138 1.182672 -3.301527 -0.309187
1360805138 0.233597 -4.001562 2.337908
1360805138 0.173521 -2.871652 2.819242
1360805138 -0.230382 -1.996002 2.982114
1360805138 -0.59909 -1.96287 1.777323
1360805138 -0.634892 -1.960685 1.08457
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.61511 -1.904008 0.534543
1360805138 -0.181229 -1.181035 0.178458
1360805138 -0.181229 -1.181035 0.178458
1360805138 -0.370802 -0.996318 0.420217
1360805138 -0.391434 -0.842912 0.484056
1360805138 -0.345679 -0.696667 0.430655
1360805138 -0.318615 -0.563651 0.347034
1360805138 -0.297133 -0.370923 0.283196
1360805138 -0.318372 -0.205624 0.238898
1360805138 -0.343373 -0.04263 0.15103
1360805138 -0.285725 0.132257 0.004299
1360805138 -0.176617 0.23299 -0.303726
1360805138 -0.200769 0.235175 -0.645247
1360805138 -0.13414 0.386396 -0.703988
1360805138 -0.163631 0.693449 -0.6393
1360805138 -0.160233 1.040675 -0.363437
1360805138 -0.110231 1.251729 -0.195953
1360805138 -0.084137 1.15136 -0.136849
1360805138 -0.08171 0.88108 -0.378851
1360805138 -0.244339 0.614441 -0.76285
1360805138 -0.244339 0.614441 -0.76285
1360805138 0.160778 -0.085594 -2.441573
1360805138 0.126795 -0.247009 -2.31596
1360805138 0.126795 -0.247009 -2.31596
1360805138 0.126795 -0.247009 -2.31596
1360805139 -0.322013 -2.919713 0.367545
1360805139 -0.171035 -4.001562 1.821499
1360805139 -0.534402 -3.527873 2.090566
1360805139 -0.684773 -2.579283 2.990246
1360805139 -0.649213 -1.782764 3.302154
1360805139 -0.358422 -1.840534 2.605518
1360805139 -0.009134 -2.068943 0.589643
1360805139 0.099003 -1.887502 -0.067064
1360805139 0.204469 -1.484205 -0.808119
1360805139 0.129951 -1.308226 -1.045267
1360805139 0.062229 -1.258709 -0.988832
1360805139 -0.022726 -1.194264 -0.734329
1360805139 0.025213 -1.209799 -0.202022
1360805139 0.053612 -1.16987 0.124815
1360805139 0.100945 -1.038917 0.394367
1360805139 0.182988 -0.897526 0.432961
1360805139 0.212965 -0.763297 0.424829
1360805139 0.19743 -0.653947 0.38308
1360805139 0.188085 -0.52894 0.310261
1360805139 0.167331 -0.376384 0.235985
1360805139 0.167331 -0.376384 0.235985
1360805139 0.141966 -0.177224 0.090226
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.061258 -0.063991 0.026873
1360805139 0.067205 0.936301 -0.397541
1360805139 0.081405 1.004023 -0.247776
1360805139 0.179589 0.821611 -0.526795
1360805139 0.350836 0.677065 -1.237509
1360805139 0.25253 0.280565 -1.801736
1360805139 -0.352597 -0.279656 -1.739354
1360805139 -0.1555 -0.187176 -1.325863
1360805139 -0.023819 -0.074913 -0.730081
1360805139 0.534461 -1.680574 -1.511552
1360805139 1.335228 -2.892041 -1.497837
1360805139 0.983391 -4.001562 2.408785
1360805139 0.359331 -4.001562 1.756569
1360805139 0.080191 -3.073725 2.897523
1360805139 -0.254048 -1.981196 3.382619
1360805139 -0.636955 -1.90425 2.309023
1360805139 -0.63113 -1.94952 0.896212
1360805139 -0.63113 -1.94952 0.896212
1360805139 -0.520688 -1.839441 -0.0525
1360805139 -0.057801 -1.324003 -0.732145
1360805139 0.151311 -1.189288 -0.844043
1360805139 0.1325 -1.161496 -0.710177
1360805139 -0.028309 -1.146568 -0.394992
1360805139 -0.150767 -1.11392 -0.11294
1360805139 -0.327717 -1.024596 0.211712
1360805139 -0.350412 -0.901896 0.385386
1360805139 -0.331843 -0.760141 0.430898
1360805139 -0.290215 -0.585011 0.439272
1360805139 -0.284511 -0.434276 0.403348
1360805139 -0.304536 -0.258296 0.376162
1360805139 -0.320678 -0.092511 0.313416
1360805139 -0.290458 0.069147 0.189988
1360805139 -0.227833 0.145243 0.098357
1360805139 -0.182322 0.214664 -0.141703
1360805139 -0.191424 0.224009 -0.466355
1360805139 -0.197614 0.468802 -0.699619
1360805139 -0.264486 0.720999 -0.588812
1360805139 -0.154165 1.225393 -0.344019
1360805139 -0.108532 1.312776 -0.327513
1360805139 -0.03996 0.92817 -0.616605
1360805139 -0.102342 0.775614 -0.784938
1360805139 -0.180258 0.485429 -1.503056
1360805139 -0.045786 0.335786 -1.921159
1360805139 -0.045786 0.335786 -1.921159
1360805139 -0.050762 -0.042873 -1.238844
here's the code am working on
close all
%%Setting the harvester parameters:
m=10^(-3);%proof mass (m) in kg.
k=0.17;%Spring constant in kg.s^2
b=0.0055;%Spring damping factor kg/s
% the proof mass displacement limit Zl is setted in the simulink file to be 0.01 meter
%%Reading the accelerometer input file,
%This file has 4 columns:
%the first one is the time,
%the second, third and the fourth ones are the measured x-axial, y-axial and z-axial acceleration, respectively.
%%Plotting the input accelerometer signal
hold on
hold off
legend ('X Axis', 'Y Axis', 'Z Axis')
title('\bf Accelerometer Measurements');xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel(' Acceleration (m/s.s)')
%%Claculating the overall magnitude of acceleration
%%Filtring the gravity using a 3rd order Butterworth high-pass filter with a 0.1 Hz cutoff frequency
%applying the frequency domian on overal magnitude of acceleration
% specifying a 3rd order Butterworth filter with a 0.1 Hz cutoof frequency
% applying the previously specified filter to the frequency transfomation of the overall acceleration
% applying the inverse frequency domain transformation and getting the real part
%%preparing the simulink file input simin as a two column variable, the
%%first column is the time and the second column is the filtered
%%Calling the simulink file which includes the mass spring damping system
% reading the output of the simulink file both time and power values
%plotting the power output in \mu watt
title('\bf Estimated Harvested Power');xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel(' Power (\muW)')
now i want to use laplace transform function .. can any body help me in this.

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