cannot create mat file.

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Nor Ashikin
Nor Ashikin il 4 Mag 2016
Commentato: Nor Ashikin il 4 Mag 2016
>> filename=('s2.wav');
>> y=wavread(filename);
>> [y,Fs,nbits]=wavread(filename);
>> save(filename,'-mat');
why save(filename,'-mat'); does not create the *.mat file?

Risposta accettata

CS Researcher
CS Researcher il 4 Mag 2016
You should do this:
filename = 's2.wav';
[y, Fs] = audioread(filename);
  4 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Mag 2016
mat files do not appear in workspaces. Variables appear in workspaces. But not if you are using a static workspace
Nor Ashikin
Nor Ashikin il 4 Mag 2016
Thanks for your help CS Researcher and Walter Roberson as well. It worked actually. Just my mistake.

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Più risposte (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Mag 2016
save() is not defined to override your choice of file extensions. If a file already has an extension, then save() will use that extension. So what you are doing is overwriting your .wav file with the mat contents.
If you want to change the extension, then use fileparts to extract the file name without the extension; when there is no extension, .mat will be added.

MHN il 4 Mag 2016
Just use
save 'filename'
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Mag 2016
That would create 'filename.mat' -- literally "filename", not 's2.mat'

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