Error using repmat function

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Nik Sam
Nik Sam il 12 Mag 2016
Commentato: Walter Roberson il 25 Mag 2016
Error using repmat
Replication factors must be a row vector of integers or integer scalars.
Can anyone tell me why i get this error when I am trying to use
x{i} = repmat(shiftdim(varargin{i}(j,:),1-i),repvec);
  2 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 12 Mag 2016
What is in repvec ? What is class(repvec) ?
Nik Sam
Nik Sam il 13 Mag 2016
Modificato: Walter Roberson il 13 Mag 2016
function fzr = rtrm(func, varargin)
% RTRM Fast, vectorized implementation of the
reduced transformation method
% using multi-dimensional arrays.
% FZR = RTRM(FUNC, FZ1, FZ2, ..., FZN)
% calls the reduced transformation method
% with N fuzzy numbers in alpha-cut repre-
% sentation. The function FUNC must be an
% analytical expression using \textsc{Matlab}'s
% array arithmetic (or logic) operators.
% Example:
% f = inline('x.^2 - y');
% fz1 = [0 5; 1 4; 2 3; 2.5 2.5];
% fz2 = [1 3; 1.5 2.5; 1.75 2.25; 2 2];
% fzr = rtrm(f, fz1, fz2)
% plot(fzr,linspace(0,1,4))
n = nargin - 1;
m = size(varargin{1},1) - 1;
fzr = repmat([inf -inf],m+1,1);
for j = m+1:-1:1
for i = 1:n
repvec = 2*ones(n,1);
repvec(i) = 1;
x{i} = repmat(shiftdim(...
z = reshape(feval(func,x{:}),2^n,1);
fzr(j,1) = min(min(z),fzr(min(j,m)+1,1));
fzr(j,2) = max(max(z),fzr(min(j,m)+1,2));
This all the code

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Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 13 Mag 2016
Where you have
repvec = 2*ones(n,1);
change that to
repvec = 2*ones(1,n);
  2 Commenti
Nik Sam
Nik Sam il 13 Mag 2016
Now I get this.Why?
Error using inlineeval (line 14)
Error in inline expression ==> x.^2 - y
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in inline/feval (line 33)
INLINE_OUT_ = inlineeval(INLINE_INPUTS_, INLINE_OBJ_.inputExpr, INLINE_OBJ_.expr);
Error in rtrm (line 27)
z = reshape(feval(func,x{:}),2^n,1);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 25 Mag 2016
With just the change I mentioned, I get results. I have enclosed the edited file. I tested with
f = inline('x.^2 - y');
fz1 = [0 5; 1 4; 2 3; 2.5 2.5];
fz2 = [1 3; 1.5 2.5; 1.75 2.25; 2 2];
fzr = rtrm(f, fz1, fz2)

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