I can run dt = .1 for step at 1 in one file, and then do the same with other one,but I need to graph all three data in the same graph . The dt is bigger the matrix is smaller , and the dt is smaller the matrix is bigger which is not the same dimension and it is not right to compare with other dt at that time.I need all of them in one file to see the different at certain time.
How to write the loop to collect data every step I want
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Phong Pham
il 9 Feb 2012
Modificato: Walter Roberson
il 6 Ott 2013
I have M-file with dt = .1,dt= .01,dt=.001 I want to have the data is collected every 1 step for dt =.1, every 10 steps fro dt=.01, and 100 steps for dt=.001
the code start:
for i=-1:-1:-3
step = 100
....... ..... the lot of code after this
I want to have all data to be collected at certain step size in the same M-file, in the code above it collects data every 100.
steps for all dt.
3 Commenti
Sean de Wolski
il 9 Feb 2012
What do you mean by "data collected"? Do you have a data acquisition device that you're sampling from? Are you calculating data at every time step? Are you reading files that are being generated concurrently with the function running?
Please elaborate.
Risposta accettata
Dr. Seis
il 9 Feb 2012
You basically want to collect a sample at every 0.1 increment in time(?).
Setup a counter before your "for" loop and initialize to 0 i.e.,
counter = 0;
Then inside your for loop, where ever you perform computations for some period of time, you could add this:
for j = 1 : N
% your code for calculating value at each time step
if (mod(j-1,0.1/dt) == 0
counter = counter+1;
data(counter) = whatever_value_you_want;
Where "N" is the number of time steps. The above will save a value at the first time step and then every 0.1/dt time step(s) thereafter.
5 Commenti
Dr. Seis
il 9 Feb 2012
Also, I should clarify that the "for" loop I mentioned above is located inside the "for" loop you specified, which changes the value of "dt".
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