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How to know which m-file run?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Leotsing il 17 Giu 2016
Commentato: Leotsing il 17 Giu 2016
I ran some code(suppose I do not know the content),which makes to run one or some .m-file(s),how can I know which m-file has been run?

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Shameer Parmar
Shameer Parmar il 17 Giu 2016
1. Check from command History of matlab.
2. In all that files, open and put command "disp('filename')". so that it will display in the filename in command window.
  1 Commento
Leotsing il 17 Giu 2016
Thank you very much,your way-2 works for me!

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Più risposte (1)

KSSV il 17 Giu 2016
There would be a command history dialogue in can know from here what happened so far....


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