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How to Customize Polyspace code prover Report?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Shaku kaa
Shaku kaa il 29 Set 2016
I want to have a report having error details for some of the files used in polyspace code prover verification.
Thanks in advance

Risposte (1)

Alexandre De Barros
Alexandre De Barros il 6 Ott 2016
First, it is possible to customize an existing report using the Report Generator toolbox, as described in the documentation here.
See this link to have more information on the filters you can use.
For your specific need, look for the component named "if (PolyspaceData.RTEEnabled)" and inside it, click on the component "Run-time Checks Details ordered by Color/File".
You will see that for this component you can use "Advanced Filters". One of them is related to "Files to include". List the files to include in your report by using a regular expression.
Ex.: use
to include C source files that contain the word "Module".
You can have several regular expressions (one by line) to select more files.

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