how to create a variable which is a function of state variable in matlab?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Would anyone happen to know how to solve value functions whose state variables are it's information sets?
Thanks in Advance.

Risposte (1)

BhaTTa il 26 Ago 2024
Solving value functions where the state variables are information sets typically arises in dynamic programming problems, particularly in economics and operations research. These problems often involve decision-making under uncertainty, where the decision-maker's current state is defined by the information available to them, rather than a simple numerical state.
Here’s a general approach to tackle such problems:
Steps to Solve Value Functions with Information Set State Variables
1. Define the Problem:
  • Clearly specify the decision problem, including the objective function, decision variables, constraints, and the nature of uncertainty.
2. Model the Information Set:
  • Identify what constitutes the information set. This could include past states, actions, observations, or signals that inform the current decision.
3. Formulate the Value Function:
  • The value function ( V(I_t) ) represents the maximum expected utility (or other objective) achievable from the current information set ( I_t ) onward.
  • Typically, this involves a recursive relationship, often expressed as: [ V(I_t) = \max_{a_t} \left{ u(I_t, a_t) + \beta \mathbb{E}[V(I_{t+1}) \mid I_t, a_t] \right} ] where ( u ) is the utility function, ( a_t ) is the action, ( \beta ) is the discount factor, and the expectation is over future states given current information and actions.
4. Dynamic Programming or Bellman Equation:
  • Use dynamic programming techniques to solve the Bellman equation. This typically involves:
  • Backward Induction: Start from a terminal period and solve backwards.
  • Value Iteration: Iteratively update the value function until convergence.
  • Policy Iteration: Iteratively improve the policy and evaluate its value.

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