Capturing outputs from Loops

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Joe Bannen
Joe Bannen il 25 Ott 2016
Commentato: Steven Lord il 25 Ott 2016
I have produced some code but now need to look at how it performs under various changes in input. This (I hope!) is best done by using loops. Capturing the various outputs and plotting them is where I am stuck!
for n=1:0.1:10
% Various Functions
error1 and error2 are produced and work well in isolation. I need to vary n and capture error1 and error2 for each n. Plotting error1 and error2 against n would be the end target.
I can't quite see how to do this!
Any help in how to do this would be very welcome. How to measure and capture the tic/toc for each n would be useful as well.

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Alexandra Harkai
Alexandra Harkai il 25 Ott 2016
To keep track of error1/2 and times, you can maintain an array for each of them:
error1 = zeros(91,1);
error2 = zeros(91,1);
time = zeros(91,1);
for n=1:0.1:10
% Various Functions
m = n*10-9;
t(m) = toc;
error1(m)= <first error>;
error2(m)= <second error>;
plot([error1, error2, t]);
Since n is not always an integer, m=n*10-9 gives an integer indexing.
  1 Commento
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 25 Ott 2016
Rather than multiply a decimal number to get an index (which does NOT always work) consider iterating over a vector of integer values and transforming the elements of that vector into a decimal.
for n = 1:0.1:5
n2 = 10*n-9;
disp([n, n2])
if n2 ~= round(n2)
fprintf('10*(%g)-9 returns %d%+g.\n', n, round(n2), n2-round(n2));
Compare with:
for n2 = 1:41
n = (n2+9)/10;
disp([n, n2])
if n2 ~= round(n2)
fprintf('10*(%g)-9 returns %d%+g.\n', n, round(n2), n2-round(n2));

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