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What is the minimum size for training sets in bagOfFeatures analysis.

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am trying to count two species of geese in 50 megapixel aerial photos. I locate the geese using morphology and the detectSURF function. I then crop the sub-images of individual geese (see examples below) and evaluate the species with a model derived from bagOfFeatures analysis. The probability of correct classification promised to be very good based on the confusion matrices: * The confusion matrix for this test set is:
| Brant CAGO
KNOWN Brant | 1.00 0.00
CAGO | 0.00 1.00
  • Average Accuracy is 1.00 for training set of 30 images for each classEvaluating image category classifier for 2 categories.-------------------------------------------------------
  • Category 1: Brants
  • Category 2: CAGO
  • The confusion matrix for this test set is:
| Brant CAGO
KNOWN Brant | 0.97 0.03
CAGO 0.01 0.99
  • Average Accuracy is 0.98 for validation set of 70 images for each class.
I increased my training set for each species of goose to over 300 for the final model, but when I apply the model to my large images about half of geese that are evaluated are identified for each class. Do I need more training images?

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