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Plotting multiple curves for the same parameter on the same graph.

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Unfortunately, I have asked a question about parameters sensitivity analysis, but I did not receive any answer.
Now, I just want to ask about plotting multiple curves for the same parameter on the same graph.
My problem appears when I try to get the value of "t" in my model equation:
syms q(t)
q(t) = ((10.925*10^(-6)*4.74*1)\((5.78*10^(-3)+11.31)*(5.78*10^(-3)+2.14)))*exp(5.78*10^(-3)*t)+(((4.74*1)\((5.78*10^(-3)+11.31)*(2.14-11.31)))-((4.74*1)\((5.78*10^(-3)+11.31)*(5.78*10^(-3)+2.14)))-(1\(2.14-11.31)))*(10.925*10^(-6)*exp(-2.14*t))+(7.16*10^(4)*exp(-2.14*t))+(1-((4.74*1)\(5.78*10^(-3)+11.31)))*((10.925*10^(-6)\(2.14-11.31))*exp(-11.31*t))-(3150*3.8)==0 ;
sol = vpasolve(q)
What I obtained is:
sol =
Empty sym: 0-by-1
So, I want to do a sensitivity analysis to the parameters to get a valid solution.
The model equation,
The solution for qi(t), by taking Laplace Transform,
qi(t) =
(Nih*Rih*fih)/Kei + (exp(Kgr*t)*(Kgr + di))/(Nc0*Ri*ai*fi*(Kei + Kgr)) - (exp(-di*t)*(- Nc0*Ni0*ai*Ri^2*fi^2 + Kgr + di))/(Nc0*Ri*ai*fi*(Kei - di)) + (exp(-Kei*t)*(Nc0*ai*qi0*Kei^3*Ri*fi + Nc0*ai*qi0*Kei^2*Kgr*Ri*fi - Nc0*Ni0*ai*Kei^2*Ri^2*fi^2 - Nc0*ai*qi0*Kei^2*Ri*di*fi - Nc0*Nih*Rih*ai*fih*Kei^2*Ri*fi + Kei*Kgr^2 - Nc0*Ni0*ai*Kei*Kgr*Ri^2*fi^2 - Nc0*ai*qi0*Kei*Kgr*Ri*di*fi - Nc0*Nih*Rih*ai*fih*Kei*Kgr*Ri*fi + 2*Kei*Kgr*di + Nc0*Nih*Rih*ai*fih*Kei*Ri*di*fi + Kei*di^2 + Nc0*Nih*Rih*ai*fih*Kgr*Ri*di*fi))/(Kei*Nc0*Ri*ai*fi*(Kei - di)*(Kei + Kgr))
The parameters:
fi_Ri = 10.925*10^(-6) ;
ai = 4.74 ;
Nc0 = 1 ;
Kgr = 5.78*10^(-3);
di = 11.31 ;
Ni0 = 1 ;
fih*Rih*Nih = 7.16*10^(4) ;
Kei = 2.14
C = 3.8;
I want to plot a graph for each parameter containing multiple curves for different values of the parameter with "t" while the other parameters are fixed.

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