Convert cell array to array of strings

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
JFz il 3 Mar 2017
Commentato: Adam il 3 Mar 2017
I have a cell array a of 10000x1 cell. Each cell contains a string. I would like to strsplit the string in each cell but I keep getting this error;
C = strsplit({a}, '_'); Error using strsplit (line 76) First input must be a char row vector.
What is the problem here?
thanks for any help.

Risposte (1)

Adam il 3 Mar 2017
s = string( a );
C = arrayfun( @(x) strsplit( x, '_' ), s, 'UniformOutput', false );
should work, or you could just use cellfun on the cell array itself. Depends if having a string array is useful for any other purpose. I don't know which is faster if that matters.
  2 Commenti
JFz il 3 Mar 2017
Thanks. But I got this error at s = string(a); Undefined function 'string' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Adam il 3 Mar 2017
I guess in that case you are using an older version of Matlab that doesn't yet have strings
C = cellfun( @(x) strsplit( x, '_' ), a, 'UniformOutput', false );
should work

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