I am attempting to learn SimScape and validate my understanding against various book examples. One such example is that in Fundamentals of Heat Transfer 7th Edition by Incropera Dewitt. I found a picture of the problem setup here:
Although the book example has the goal of determining the convection coefficient of the tube and specifies the outlet temperature directly, I am interested in calculating the outlet temperature instead. I wrote a code which does this and I was careful to use the same correlations used by the Pipe (TL) block as stated in its documentation (for example Haaland's equation for friction and Gnielinski's correlation for Nusselt number). The book's outlet temperature is 57°C and my code produces 57.5°C which is agreeable to me.
Using the same script to drive a Simscape model I built for this problem I only achieve a temperature of 48°C on the outlet. I believe that my SimScape model is correctly built to replicate this problem but I cannot find the source of the discrepancy. I feel that an error of 9°C is a bit large for errors in fluid properties, etc.
Can someone please verify I am not incorrect in my approach?