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Upload Metrics through command line

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Is it possible to use bugfinder on a command line to automate the analysis and automatically upload the results to the metrics server?
we purchased a local matlab + polyspace bugfinder license and we are trying to integrate the analysis to our continuous integration server (jenkins). The example provided addresses a different case, therefore it does not apply to our needs. What we are trying to achieve, is trigger a nightly build with Jenkins which includes bugfinder analysis and have the results available for everyone in our team.
Looking forward for ideas and suggestion. Kind Regards

Risposta accettata

Alexandre De Barros
Alexandre De Barros il 16 Mag 2017
yes, this is possible via the command 'polyspace-results-repository'.
To upload a results folder to your Metrics server, under Windows:
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -server <your_metrics_server> -f -prog <project_name > -verif-version <version> -upload <results_directory>
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -h
for more information on this command in general
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -h -upload
for more information on the upload.
Best regards,

Più risposte (1)

Patric Nolle
Patric Nolle il 18 Mag 2017
thank you! it totally worked

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