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How to integrate integrate by using loop

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Mahome il 22 Mag 2017
Risposto: Jan il 22 Mag 2017
I have tried several hours to run that correctly but I could not. Here what I need substitute two equations to came with one equation, then integrate it by using loop. I have wrote this example to get the idea of what I'm looking.

Risposte (2)

Torsten il 22 Mag 2017
Use MATLAB's "dsolve".
Best wishes

Jan il 22 Mag 2017
Please post the code you have so far and explain, which problem occurres. Then suggesting an improvement is much easier.
What exactly does "integrate by loop" mean? Do you mean an Euler method, a trapezoid sum, the Simpson rule?
There is an uppercase C in the equation, but a lowercase c in the constants. h1 is defined twice, h2 is missing. t1 and t2 do both equal 0, therefore the integral must be 0 also.
Please, Mahome, take the time and post the correct values as text. Screenshots are less useful, because we cannot use them by copy&paste to suggest a solution. Based on the given information, I guess boldly that your code might work already, if you fix the typos concerning the constants.

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