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compilation error accelerator mode

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Herve Demezil
Herve Demezil il 22 Mag 2017
I have a simulink model that compiles in normal mode but not in accelerator mode.
I'm using matlab r2016a with MinGW64 Compiler
I've tried to compile the same model in accelerator mode with matlab r2017a and there is no problem.
Could you help to find a way to solve the problem with version 2016a.
Thank you
  1 Commento
Shubham Srivastava
Shubham Srivastava il 25 Mag 2017
Modificato: Shubham Srivastava il 25 Mag 2017
What is the error that you are facing?
For this query it would be a good idea to contact MathWorks Technical Support directly or send an email with your query/issue to

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