Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Add a waitbar to a function execution

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Mario il 24 Ago 2017
Commentato: Adam il 25 Ago 2017
I wrote a function that uses a 3D stack of images as an input, and processes them. As a result of it, a new 3D matrix is created.
I am strugling to add a proper waitbar to this, since it can take from a few seconds to several minutes to complete this task inside this function (depending on the size of the input 3D matrix of images).
I tried several different solutions, but did not succeed.
My input is a stack of 3D images called QQ(MxNxP)
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
steps=size(QQ, 3); %%to extract the number of images inside 3D matrix
for step = 1:steps
A=myFunction(QQ) %%my function goes here, not sure if I need to add something like A(:,:,step)=myFunction(QQ(:,:,step))
waitbar(step / steps)
How can I properly define the waitbar in order to track execution time of my function?
  3 Commenti
Samuel Vergara
Samuel Vergara il 24 Ago 2017
Maybe wour waitbar is not updating correctly. Add just after waitbar(step / steps):
Samuel Vergara
Samuel Vergara il 24 Ago 2017
Also, about: %%my function goes here, not sure if I need to add something like A(:,:,step)=myFunction(QQ(:,:,step)) As your code is written, you just replace the value of A by the same value "steps" times.

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Risposte (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel il 24 Ago 2017
Modificato: Stalin Samuel il 24 Ago 2017
I have not found any error in the given code. I tested (Matlab 2017a) the code and wait bar working fine.Instead of your function ( myFunction(QQ) ) i used some delay.Below is the tested code
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
steps=30; %%to extract the number of images inside 3D matrix
for step = 1:steps
pause(0.2) %%removed yuur function
waitbar(step / steps)
  4 Commenti
Mario il 25 Ago 2017
The strange thing about it is, for example if my image stack contains 10 images, the waitbar runs the function 10 times(each time incrementing the slider value by 1/10).
In other words, it is making it run multiple times, depending on the total number of images in a 3D stack.
Adam il 25 Ago 2017
You'd need to post more code. The waitbar doesn't cause anything to happen other than the waitbar to update. Anything else is in the rest of your code.

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