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problem with the previous data in matlab gui

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sai kumar
sai kumar il 31 Ott 2017
Commentato: Jan il 19 Ott 2021
I am working on matlab gui. how to delete previous data that is stored in the gui variable? like clear in command window, is there anything like that in gui

Risposte (1)

Jan il 31 Ott 2017
What is "the gui variable"? Do you mean the handles struct? Then:
handles.yourData = [];
guidata(hObject, handles);
handles = rmfield(handles, 'yourData');
guidata(hObject, handles);
Or perhaps some persistent variables?
For a more precise answer, explain, how you store the variables.
  4 Commenti
Franck paulin Ludovig pehn Mayo
@Jan i did 3 days ago but so far no answer.Below is the link of my question.
Thank you i look forward to hearing from you soon.

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