Can use image name as an argument in an if else statement?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am a beginner. I have a set of 4 images. The description of each of these images is in separate image files. So is there a way I can use the image names as arguments in an if condition ? For example :-
if selected image = "1.bmp"
Imshow (desc1.jpg)
Else if selected image = "2.bmp"
Imshow (desc2.jpg)

Risposte (1)

ES il 8 Dic 2017
you have to use strcmp to compare strings. And use single quotes in strings.
if strcmp(selectedimage, '1.bmp')
imshow ('desc1.jpg')
elseif strcmp(selectedimage, '2.bmp')
imshow ('desc2.jpg')
  1 Commento
Suraj Suresh
Suraj Suresh il 8 Dic 2017
Thank you for the reply. The image I am selecting is through the GUI so I am not specifying any path I just have to click on the image to load it. When i tried the code in the above reply it gives me an error saying 'desc1.jpg' is not found. How do I specify the path or where am I supposed to place the image at ?

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