How to write table to csv without date formatting

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
John il 10 Gen 2018
Risposto: Walter Roberson il 10 Gen 2018
I have a cell c and an array nums, which are used to create a table T. The table is then written to a csv file test.csv.
c = {'6 - 7'; '6 - 8'; '6 - 9'; '6 - 10'; '6 - 11'; '6 - 12'; '6 - 13';
'7 - 8'; '7 - 9'; '7 - 10'; '7 - 11'; '7 - 12'; '7 - 13'; '8 - 9'; '8 - 10'; '8 - 11';
'8 - 12'; '8 - 13'; '9 - 10'; '9 - 11'; '9 - 12'; '9 - 13'; '10 - 11'; '10 - 12';
'10 - 13'; '11 - 12'; '11 - 13'; '12 - 13'};
nums = (1:length(c))';
T = table(c, nums);
writetable(T, 'test.csv');
When I write the table to a csv file and open it in Excel, the entries in c are displayed as a date (ie '6 - 7' is displayed as '7-June' in Excel). I want the entries to appear exactly as the characters that are in d. Is this an issue with MATLAB or is this on the Excel side?

Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 10 Gen 2018
It is on the excel side. You can look at test.csv in any convenient text editor. On my system it shows up as
6 - 7,1
6 - 8,2
6 - 9,3
6 - 10,4
6 - 11,5
6 - 12,6
6 - 13,7
7 - 8,8
7 - 9,9
7 - 10,10
7 - 11,11
7 - 12,12
7 - 13,13
8 - 9,14
8 - 10,15
8 - 11,16
8 - 12,17
8 - 13,18
9 - 10,19
9 - 11,20
9 - 12,21
9 - 13,22
10 - 11,23
10 - 12,24
10 - 13,25
11 - 12,26
11 - 13,27
12 - 13,28


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