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How to print the output file in .txt format?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi. I am generating results using the following code: I need to print an output file to be placed in a specific folder for "Force" output in the .txt format? Can anyone please help me with this. Thank you very much.
a=[1.8803 1.2893];
e=[0.5 1];
b = [1.22];
na = numel(a) ;
ne = numel(e) ;
Force = zeros(na, ne) ;
for i = 1 : na
for j = 1 : ne
Force(i,j) = (a(i))*((e(j)))*b*R;

Risposta accettata

KSSV il 14 Feb 2018
Read about save
If you want to save a variable data into text file; use the following:
save myfile.txt data -ascii ;
Alternatively, you can have a look on fprintf and dlmwrite.

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