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Azzera filtri

Undefined function 'symsum' for input arguments of type 'double'

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Can someone explain me how can I correct this error "Undefined function ' symsum' for input arguments of type 'double'"
function [ yij ] = SPCmethod(yij,w)
sym n;
rep = 100;
for i = 1:w
yij(i) = mean (symsum(yij,i,1,rep))/rep
  3 Commenti
Laura Barroso
Laura Barroso il 29 Mar 2018
Modificato: Laura Barroso il 29 Mar 2018
I have to apply this sum to a M/M/1 queuing server simulation. It is not scalar, it's a matrix. I have another function that runs this into MM1, so the size of yij depends on the number of replicas of M/M/1 queuing server simulation.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 29 Mar 2018
What is the data class of yij? You mention it is a matrix, but is it a matrix of double or a matrix of symbolic constants or a matrix of formulae?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 29 Mar 2018
For numeric array yji,
y_bar_i = mean(yji);
There should not be any loop: your other function that runs this is doing the looping.
There would only be a loop at the level that is generating multiple yji matrices.

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